On the Weekend of 16-17th March, Dr Sandie Cornish visited Perth and spoke of her experience in Rome of the Synodality Process. Her insights and expertise in breaking down this topic was greatly appreciated by those who attended. She spoke a lot of ‘conversations in the spirit’, discernment, reading the signs of the times and responding to all this in the church and in our communities. Her visit was sponsored by Ignatian spirituality WA.

Advent retreat -Inner peace in Divine Love | St Benedict's parish Applecross

In Advent 2020, members of the CLC (Christian Life Community) who had been trained to give retreats in the First Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius, based on the book of the same name by Michael Hansen SJ, took a group of 54 people through the Inner Peace in Divine Love retreat. A retreat in daily life over 4 weeks with 5 meetings over this time to share the experiences of the retreat with other retreatants and the guide. The feedback from retreatants was extremely positive with most finding a renewed awareness of God’s presence in their daily lives.

Holding on to Hope

Holding on to Hope | How Ignatius and Teilhard can help us navigate the struggle and suffering of our world | John XXIII College | Sunday October 18th 2020

The Christian Life Community presented an ignatian Reflection day with guest speakers Sr Shelley Barlow RNDM and Mr John Auer. The two speakers spoke about the way in which St Ignatius and Fr Teilhard de Chardin responded to suffering in their own lives and in the lives of those around them and where God was in that experience. It was well attended and well received by around 33 people. Our thanks to the John XXIII community for allowing us to use the school as a venue for this.