Recalibrating Your Compass | Fr Iain Radvan SJ | A weekend Ignatian Spirituality Retreat

Fr Iain Radvan SJ recently led an Ignatian Spirituality retreat entitled  "Recalibrating Your Compass" for local Christian Life Community members and others. It was held on  26th – 27th June, 2021 at the Epiphany Centre, Rossmoyne.

 The 20 participants appreciated the opportunity more poignantly, as by midday on the last day, WA went into lockdown, and we had to wear masks for the end of the last day.

The individual presentations by Anne Zevis and Jenny Gardner on their spiritual journeys, were generously personal, sharing with vulnerability, and deeply moving.

We were heartened to welcome many new to CLC into our wider community and share the gift of  Fr Iain’s guiding wisdom for our spiritual journeys.